Casey Hull
Professor Torres
12 February 2010
My topic is hip hop culture and violence. I have always enjoyed listening to hip hop, and I'm interested in the effects that the music has on the mind. I want to learn if there is a correlation between violence and the explicitness of the lyrics of the music, specifically hip hop, that the people are listening to. I am interested to see if the music really has an influence on the choices people make in regards to violence. I have been raised off Tupac and Notorious BIG, and I have never committed a violent crime; knock on wood. I will be asking the question of is hip hop a reflection of a lifestyle, or an influence on lifestyles. I hope to learn more about the music that I have always listened to, and hope to better understand the relationship between the culture and the violence, whether there is a correlation or not.
pillow rap killin it in 2010