Friday, May 7, 2010

Pictures of hyper masculinity

The picture of Tupac is a great example of his hyper-masculinity. In his left hand there is what I'm assuming to be a blunt suggesting that he smokes weed. The posture that he presents with the finger, and his natural body language shows that he doesn't really care about what people think. He is a very physically fit man and has a great deal of tone. His gold chain shows that he has enough money to buy expensive jewelry. There is a gun in his waist suggesting that he is always ready to use it, and that he should not be messed with. His body shows tattoos that say thug life, and one has an AK-47 suggesting that he is willing to kill, and is a thug. This picture really presents Tupac as being hard, but at the same time is willing to chill and smoke a blunt.

The picture of 50 cent takes the ideas of masculinity to a whole new level. The first focal point of this picture is the gun. 50 is pointing the gun directly at the camera. A lot of 50's persona is based on violence, and he is constantly presenting it through the media. He is wearing gun straps around his shoulders suggesting that he is always strapping heat. There is a large diamond cross around his neck, suggesting that he is rich enough to afford those kinds of things. His posture almost suggests that he wants to kill people, where in comparison Tupac was ready to if need be. I think the comparison of these two pictures really shows how rap as changed over the years. Everything has just been taken to the next level of masculinity. Instead of having a gun he is pointing a gun, instead of being in good shape 50 is abnormally jacked, instead of a gold necklace 50 has a diamond necklace.

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